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  Sun Development Tools Forte for Java, Community Edition
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-  Forte for Java, Community Edition
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spacer > Getting Started Tutorial (pdf)
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-  Java Message Queue
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ForteTM for JavaTM, Community Edition 1.0 beta offers a preview of Sun's new cross-platform, extensible, integrated development environment (IDE) for the Java programming language. The Community Edition provides professional Java developers with a complete, extensible productivity tool. Forte for Java software is a full-featured development tools for the latest J2SE and J2EE Java platform technology - directly from Sun.

Forte for Java software provides a robust, flexible development environment to increase your productivity. The Community Edition 1.0 beta presents an introduction to the Forte for Java development environment. Everything you need to start building robust Java technology-based applications is included in the Community Edition: Object Browser, Editor and Component Inspector, Form Editor, Multi-Threaded Debugger, HTTP server, and HTML browser.

The software is an extensible, object-oriented framework, based on a complete set of open APIs which allows access to the core IDE and any services provided by other software components. The architecture and open APIs of Forte for Java software give you the power to extend the environment through plug-in modules provided by third-parties and Sun.

Sun has extended the core IDE with plug-in modules for creating distributed applications including JSPTM, JDBCTM, CORBA, RMI, and remote debugging. Look for these additional development tools as part of the upcoming Forte for Java, Internet Edition in 2000.


Forte for Java, Community Edition : Features & BenefitsGetting Started Tutorial (pdf)User's Guide (pdf)

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